Posted on 5/26/2022

You may be wondering what a timing belt is before asking yourself what will happen to your car after it snaps. A timing belt, also referred to as a cam belt, is a continuous rubber loop with ridges on it. The loop's main purpose is to make internal combustion engines run continuously. It harmonizes the rotations of the crankshaft(controls pistons) and the camshaft(controls valves) To simply put it, the timing belt balances the timing of closing and opening of valves with up-and-down motion of the pistons. Why is a Timing Belt Important? A snapped cam belt can damage your car's engine within no time. If it breaks while you're driving, the camshaft will stop turning as the crankshaft continues to spin at 1000 rotations per minute. Consequently, the pistons will continue to fall and rise in their cylinders and strike closed valves. If such an incident occurs, the valves, pistons, and cylinder heads get damaged. Additionally, the destruction may be virtually instantaneous s ... read more