Posted on 6/30/2022

Last month, we went in-depth on the vehicle’s timing belt and all the things it does. But did you know that your car has more than one belt? One of them is called the serpentine belt, and it has the ability to run all your car’s vital accessories. This snake-like belt runs through various parts of your vehicle. It has a pulley attached to the engine, where it gets its power from. The serpentine belt powers your power steering pump, alternator, air conditioning compressor, and so much more. Without this powerful belt, none of these would work. At KAMS Auto Service, we understand the importance of the serpentine belt. Without one, you won’t get very far. Over time, this rubber belt can wear down, crack, and even break. That is why it is imperative you inspect your belt often. One of our technicians at KAMS Auto service would gladly check it for you when your car is due for service. Your automaker has a recommended interval or ... read more