Posted on 4/27/2022

The water pump plays a vital role in the safety and functionality of your vehicle, so it makes sense to ensure that it's in good condition and working well. Here we take a look at what a water pump is and why it's so important. We also list the symptoms that could indicate there's a problem with your water pump, enabling you to seek assistance before your engine sustains permanent damage. What is a Water Pump? The water pump is a belt-driven pump that works by harnessing energy from the crankshaft. What Does a Water Pump do? Because an engine consists of numerous parts that move together rapidly and repeatedly, it generates a considerable amount of heat. The water pump acts to push coolant around the engine from the radiator. The coolant removes heat from the engine, enabling it to operate at a safe temperature. If the water pump isn't operating correctly or fails completely, the engine will overheat. This can result in components warping and buckling, or failing ... read more